• The secret Of Monkey Island

    When we talk about Monkey Island we’re talking about LucasArts great masterpiece created by Ron Gilbert, Tim Schaffer and Dave Grossman. For those who may not know about the game [...]

  • Contra (NES)

    Contra A.K.A Gryzor in United States, is a run and gun game originally released for Arcade Machines in 1987 and ported to NES in 1988 as “Probotector” in which you control two commandos [...]

  • Dragon Quest

    Dragon Quest (Doragon Kuesuto) A.K.A Dragon Warrior in United States, this is the first RPG of the Dragon Quest saga. It was released for the Famicom in 1986 and 3 years later, released in West with substancial improvements in graphics and a special battery to save the game [...]

  • Commando

    Commando es un shoot’em up con scroll vertical en el que controlas a Super Joe, una especie de Rambo con una ametralladora de munición infinita y un par de granadas que lucha en una selva contra una horda masiva de soldados enemigos.: [...]

  • The Binding of Isaac

    The Binding Of Isaac (El Sacrificio De Isaac) es un videojuego diseñado por Edmund Mcmillen, y programado por Florian Himsl. The Binding Of Isaac es un juego de accion RPG, con fuertes elementos tipo Rogue en los cuales los niveles son generados aleatoriamente. [...]

  • Runaway: el histórico de Pendulo Studios

    Y aquí seguimos una semana más con el análisis de videojuegos y hoy no os traigo unsólo videojuego sino una saga de juegos (de un estudio español por cierto) que desde mi más tierna infancia han dejado huella en mi.... En fin, nostalgias a parte, no es ni mas ni menos que la saga Runaway de Pendulo Studios. Comenzamos: [...]

  • Trackmania: velocidad a tope

    Tras una semana de breakdown, vuelvo a la carga con más fuerza que nunca para traeros Trackmania, un videojuego que si bien es perro viejo en mi lista de "not played yet", nunca habia ganado la suficiente fuerza como para despertar mi interés completo... hasta esta ultima semana [...]

martes, 27 de diciembre de 2016

Monkey Island Saga: When we talk about Monkey Island we’re talking about LucasArts great masterpiece created by Ron Gilbert, Tim Schaffer and Dave Grossman. For those who may not know about the game, Monkey Island is considered one of the most important Point ‘n’ Click Adventures ever released. Most of this success remains in its excellent script and the superb use of a nonsense humour. Plot: The Secret of Monkey Island The game starts...

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Alex Kidd in Miracle World: Alex Kidd in Miracle World is a side-scrolling platform game for the Master System video game console created by Kotaro Hayashida. It was released in Japan in 1986, and then internationally in 1987. Alex Kidd is the only playable character in the game, he must finish levels and overcome obstacles and puzzles in a 2D side-scrolling environment. Throughout the 17 stages, Alex Kidd faces many monsters, and the three...

Contra (NES)

Contra A.K.A Gryzor in United States, is a run and gun game originally released for Arcade Machines in 1987 and ported to NES in 1988 as “Probotector” in which you control two commandos, Pfc. Bill Rizer and Pfc. Lance Bean of the Contra unit, who are sent to the Galuga archipelago to destroy the enemy forces and uncover the true nature of the alien entity controlling them, a plot to conquer the world. About the authors: As we’re talking about...

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Dragon Quest (Doragon Kuesuto) A.K.A Dragon Warrior in United States, this is the first RPG of the Dragon Quest saga. It was released for the Famicom in 1986 and 3 years later, released in West with substancial improvements in graphics and a special battery to save the game. Plot Dragon Warrior's plot is a simplistic medieval "rescue the princess, slay the dragon king, and get the orb of light" story. The game begins when the player assumes...